Cocopolka Blog


New Product – CLEAR 4×6 Photo Albums!

New Product – CLEAR 4×6 Photo Albums!

Our customers have often requested a version of our albums with clear pockets so both sides of items are easily viewable. We are very excited that they are finally here, in both 48 pocket and 24 pocket varieties. These brag books are ideal for items like postcards,...

Sneak Peak: Timeline Albums

Sneak Peak: Timeline Albums

Our latest product is a pack of 2 6x8 photo albums, with CLEAR POCKETS. We've listened to feedback and many people were looking for a way to store large format cards in a convenient way - the sticking point is that the pockets needed to be clear so both sides could be...

Getting Ready for the School Year with CocoPolka Albums

Getting Ready for the School Year with CocoPolka Albums

I think every summer is going by faster! Coco is reminding me daily that she's hitting double digits this year. Polka is in that stage of switching between little girl hilarity and moments of profound thoughts. We put together our memory work flip books using...

Bullet Journaling Homeschool Tracker – Free Download

Bullet Journaling Homeschool Tracker – Free Download

I'm constantly on the look out for a daily scheduler that works for our homeschool. I fall into that perpetual cycle of excitement over a new chart, but then I end up losing track, or I have to remake it because something changes...and it just peters out. Someone...